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जाहिर सूचना प्रसिध्द करणेबाबत. मौजे-पांचपाखाडी, ठाणे (प) -चिरागनगर |
19/09/2024 |
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जाहिर सूचना प्रसिध्द करणेबाबत. मौजे-पांचपाखाडी, ठाणे (प), स.नं.83-1(पै.) चिरागनगर |
19/09/2024 |
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Quotation Notice for E-Tender for the work of Urgent Minor Repair works to A Wing Toilets, Repairs to Broken Facade, providing |
19/09/2024 |
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Quotation Notice for E-Tender for the work of Repairs and deputy renovations to c wing stair case, providing furniture for E.E's cabin, SE's |
19/09/2024 |
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Quotation Notce for E-Tender for the work of Providing and supplying proper drainge system for AC Drainage |
19/09/2024 |
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जाहीर सूचना प्रसिध्द करणेबाबात. अर्जदार युक्ती इन्फ्राप्रोजेक्ट्स एल.एल.पी |
10/09/2024 |
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Ms. Spaceage Consultants, Developer-Dharavi Redevelopment Project Pvt. Ltd. Sub-Proposed Redevelopment of Railway Operational Facilities and Amenities |
10/09/2024 |
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जाहीर सूचना प्रसिध्द करणेबाबात.भारतरत्न सहकारी गृहनिर्माण संस्था (नियो) |
09/09/2024 |
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अधिसूचना प्रसिध्द करणेबाबत. पंचगंगा रहिवाशी सेवा संघ (नियो). |
05/09/2024 |
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जाहिर सूचना प्रसिध्द करणेबाबत. हिंदनगर एस.आर.ए.सह.गृह.संस्था (नियो) |
05/09/2024 |
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Aspire Architects Consultants. Developer-Ms. Platinumcorp Lifescapes LLP, Sub-Revalidation of LOI for Proposed Slum Rehabilitation Scheme |
03/09/2024 |
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Mr. Nilesh Sawant, Developer-Ms. Sai Charan Developers. Society-Ms. Shree Siddhivinayak GIK SRA CHS, Sub-Proposed S.R. Scheme under Reg. 33 |
30/08/2024 |
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Shri. Sachin Gaikwad, Developer-Ms. Shree Akshay Housing. Society-Shri. Aadarsh SRA CHS Ltd, Sub-Proposed S.R. Scheme on plot bearing CTS No. 723 |
30/08/2024 |
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Shri. Ketan Belsare, Developer-Ms. Sahyog Homes Ltd, Society-Shree Sai Pawan CHS Ltd. Sub-Issue of LOI Proposed S.R. Scheme on plot bearing CTS No. 58 |
29/08/2024 |
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Ms. Leena Churi, Developer-Ms. Keemaya Project LLP. Society-Navrang SRA CHS, Sub-LOI for the Proposed Slum Rehabilitation Scheme under Reg. 33 |
29/08/2024 |
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